Library Press Project Update
Hello Folks, We’re excited to report that in the first two days of the pledge drive we are 1/4th of the way to our goal of $3500 by Sept 3!
Thank you so much! We are so excited to be able to announce that as of this afternoon, we're at nearly a 1/4th of the way towards our goal of $3500 by September 3. The timeline for the project is tight; while we are working on this pledge drive, we're making progress on the press as well. All the parts have been cleaned and a primer coat has been painted on all the surfaces. Once that's dry we begin painting the the cover coat and then start the assembly.
At the same time we're working on getting the plaque designed and making arrangements for the delivery and installation of the press on the platform at the library. All this needs to be done before the end of the month, so we're busy but excited as well! As a gift to everyone following our project, we've recorded a short video to show what a press like this can do and how we are using it. This film features our Stilesboro press, one of the earlier restoration jobs we did here in the shop. We'll post this on blog page and Facebook as well. Enjoy!